Gaye holud Banner and Background image and stock vector, psd / গায়ে হলুদ ব্যানার

Gaye halud

Gaye holud/ Free Holud Sondha image, stock vector, psd

গায়ে হলুদ/হলুদ সন্ধ্যা ব্যানার



গায়ে হলুদ/হলুদ সন্ধ্যা ব্যানার ও ব্যাকগ্রাউন্ড

Gaye holud er Background

Free Banner and Background image, stock vector, psd

Learn How Gaye Holud Blends Many Colours Just Before the Bangli Wedding.


বিবাহ বার্ষিকীর শুভেচ্ছা ম্যাসেজ

Even though Gaye Holud / গায়ে হলুদ the name gives importance to the colour “yellow”, the function has many colours attached to it―starting from the colour of fun and festivities to the belief of having a pious life ahead.

The Gaye holud/holud sandha ceremony is a significant and traditional ceremony at Bengali weddings. It is somewhat similar to a bridal shower. The Gaye holud/ গায়ে হলুদ অনুষ্ঠান ceremony is considered to be one of the most enjoyable functions of the wedding festivities. It is a beautifying and blessing ceremony in the Bengali wedding tradition. Gaye holud/হলুদ সন্ধ্যা is a joyous event that includes food, laughter, music and dance. The ceremony used to be a small one but in recent times, it has become a larger part of the whole wedding ceremony.

Gaye holud occurs on the morning of the actual wedding day. At this point in time, the bride and the groom are not supposed to meet each other till the wedding.

The turmeric applied on the couple’s body is supposed to be a part of the beautification process before the wedding. Turmeric or holud has many medicinal purposes. It is an antiseptic and contains certain healing properties. It helps in the purification of the skin and adds a glow to it. Turmeric also helps in the reduction of dark spots, blemishes and the pigmentation of the skin. It also reduces body hair growth. Holud makes the skin soft and supple, giving it a fair and glowing appearance. During the Gaye holud ceremony, the turmeric is made into a paste with some milk and water and then applied on the bride and the groom.

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